
Speech-writing feels stressful for many of us - we leave it until the very last minute, get writer’s block and end up panicking and googling for jokes. Or maybe we think it’s all too much to face and decide not to give a speech at all (particularly if ‘tradition’ has led us to believe that our voice doesn’t belong in the line up…)

But it doesn’t have to feel that way. A great speech is joyful, fun and authentic, just as the process of writing it should be. I’m here to help and encourage both partners to speak up and claim their space with courage and verve.

My career history as a teacher, coach, university lecturer and celebrant has given me lots of practise with both writing and public speaking. This speech-writing service will give you access to everything I know, and you’ll walk away with a beautiful piece of writing and all the confidence you need to stand up in front of everyone you love and be your incredible self. 

Kim Williams Weddings

Kim Williams Weddings

This service includes: 

  • A one-to-one meeting where we will hash out ideas for your speech. We’ll have a coaching-style conversation to discuss any mental barriers you have with public speaking and how to overcome them. We’ll also talk about structure and tease out anecdotes and ideas for content – by the end of the meeting we’ll have begun to pull together a draft.

  • An outline of your speech, which I will email to you after our meeting. This will include a basic structure and narrative, based on our conversation. Everything you need to get started and truly make it your own.

  • One round of feedback and suggestions, once you have written it up in full.

  • A final meeting where we can practise delivery – with a focus on timing, intonation, body language and persona. By the time we’re done, you’ll be raring to go!

Price: £300
