GDPR Notice

As a client you will supply me with personal data including names, phone numbers and email addresses, as well as significant amounts of personal information for the purposes of creating your ceremony.

All information received by me is stored electronically on an encrypted and password-protected laptop, via a password-protected Cloud account. It is used solely for the specific purpose of producing a personalised ceremony. Any information you supply me with will not be passed on to or sold to any third parties.

A ceremony script may be shared with an immediate Humanists UK colleague, in the event that I am unable to undertake a ceremony due to illness or accident. The sharing of your script will only ever take place with your consent.

Once your ceremony is complete, hard copy notes and script are destroyed. Electronic data is stored securely, in the event that you should want to work with me for further ceremonies.

This data will be permanently deleted upon request. If you wish to have all your information erased immediately following a ceremony, or at any time thereafter, please get in touch by email to communicate this.
