Louise Adby Photography

Louise Adby Photography

It used to be that if you didn’t want to be married within a religious institution, the only alternative was a civil ceremony. One where you and your partner’s names are copy/pasted into a standardised script, where you meet your registrar ten minutes before your ceremony to fill out paperwork, and the whole thing is over in the administrative blink of an eye. 

This isn’t right! Your wedding day is a big deal, and often the ceremony feels like something everyone just has to get through before the fun starts. But the whole point of a wedding day is that two people are pledging to spend their lives together. Surely the ceremony where these promises are made deserves just as much love, care and planning as the rest of the day’s celebrations?! And if it’s done right, it will be the highlight of that day. A non-religious ceremony doesn’t have to be dry or detached, it can be rich, personal and – importantly - So. Much. Fun.

Emily & Steve Photography

Emily & Steve Photography

A humanist ceremony also gives you the freedom of choice. You can marry exactly where, when and how you want, the most important thing is that it feels authentic. Whatever feels right for you both, is right.

You might already have a very clear vision for your ceremony. But if the breadth of choice feels a little overwhelming, that’s okay – part of my job is helping you figure out what you want. Wherever you’re at, I can provide as much inspiration and guidance as you would like. Together we can make your ceremony feel very traditional, completely unconventional, or anywhere along the spectrum. I can provide you with a structure to work from, or I can take a whole heap of ideas and make them cohesive. You might want some help with music, readings or your vows – I’m here for all of that. Every last detail will be thoughtfully crafted, and together we’ll come up with the perfect ceremony to celebrate this huge moment in your lives.

Authenticity is key - we’ll spend time getting to the core of your partnership, and once we’ve got hold of that sparkle, it will become the magic of your ceremony.

Kim Williams Weddings

Kim Williams Weddings
