I’m Pea (Prudence) Fass (Fassnidge) and my pronouns are she/her.

I’m a humanist celebrant; proudly queer and always questioning; avid dog fan; lover of people, food and design; and pursuer of authenticity. I’m keen on what’s real, particularly what lies at the core of people and their partnerships.

Anyone who’s done some reading on humanist ceremonies will know that there’s no ‘one way’ of doing them. But there’s one thing they all have in common - they are always deeply personal.

Your ceremony should reflect who you are, as individuals and as partners. No matter how many humanist ceremonies your guests have attended, they should leave saying “Wow, we’ve never seen anything like that before” - because they’ve never been to *your* wedding before!

All this means that a huge part of my role is to get to know you both. In the build up to your wedding we’ll spend time together. We’ll share stories and coffees and confidences, and by the time I’m up there getting you two married, it should feel like we all know each other really well. Investing this time is an investment in your wedding day – it’s how we get the big moment of your wedding ceremony just right.


It was my own humanist wedding ceremony in 2017 that led me to train with Humanists UK. Our celebrant played such an important role in making our day so romantic, joyful and – crucially – authentic.

I couldn’t think of a better job in the world than to help other couples have their own version of this experience, so I began my training soon after. I’ve been conducting weddings ever since, and it’s hard to emphasise how much of a joy and privilege it is. 

Kim Williams Weddings

Kim Williams Weddings

A bit more about me: I live in Crystal Palace, London with my husband, our kid and our exceptionally friendly dog, Roly (yes - she CAN come along to our meetings!)

I adore food - cooking it, eating it, talking and learning about it.

Another passion is interior design and antique/vintage furniture, I get very happy when my friends move house and love being tasked with an eBay hunt for weirdly specific pieces. I’ve just moved into my dream, forever home which is in a bit of a state, but we’re rolling our sleeves up and getting excited for the project ahead.

When I’m not performing wedding ceremonies I work for an education charity, where I’m an Early Years teacher trainer and a lecturer in education. I used to be a Reception teacher and I absolutely love being around kids.

My husband and I have been on a donor egg IVF journey for the past few years - we’re now finally parents to our beautiful little one, and enjoying the wild ride that is early parenthood.

I love weddings and I believe deeply in the concept of marriage and committed love. I believe that it’s a rewarding, tricky and incredibly beautiful thing to align your life with another’s, to forge through challenge together and champion each other’s growth.

I also believe there is a lot about weddings that is antiquated. There are many heteronormative, patriarchal, white-centred wedding traditions that are in desperate need of challenge and adaptation (or to be chucked out altogether!) This leaves space for the creation of playful, bespoke, equitable and meaningful traditions. Which is so exciting!

If you, as partners, would like to start your married life on an equal footing, and you’d like some support with creating a progressive and inclusive wedding day - I’m your person. I will work imaginatively to help you create a wedding ceremony that reflects your values, and that you feel so proud of.

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I’m so proud to be a recommended supplier of LGBTQ Equality Weddings, a collective of incredible humans who are focused on the joy of diversity, the safety of inclusion and the creation of beautiful spaces for LGBTQ+ folks on their wedding days.
